Saturday, August 15, 2020

Quick Update

Hey All,

Been a crazy few weeks. Myself and my family are staying healthy <knock on wood> and just trying to navigate this twisty curvy race that is life right now. I could probably be doing more with my hobby stuff, but what can I say? I doing some stuff though. 

So first off, did a little more painting. So before I did that black orc test it really wasn't for black orcs, it was to test out a technique for my wife to use with her Sisters of Battle army. Well then GW went and released some new paints and wanted to give them a try. So I painted up another one.

So here is Mr. Black Orc from last time. Used leadbelcher primer and then wildwood contrast over the armor to dirty it up. Well then I tried out the new brass color from GW.

Oh, I also got a new camera and am trying to work it out on how best to use it, so if these photos aren't great, hopefully they will get better in time. Hmmm, maybe a back shot would work better....

And then here is a back shot of the leadbelcher for comparison...

So you can see, not so dark. Now originally, after using the same technique basically on both, just applying a different base coat, the new brass was pretty bright. I then had to go an extra step of doing nuln oil over the armor. That helped to darken it and really bring out the depth. In the end, my wife chose the new brass base with the extra step. And currently three sisters are primed and ready for some paint. However, she needs to figure out the other colors she wants to use first. So if you have any suggestions, feel free to post them in the comments. 

The overall look she is going for are sisters that have been through the wringer but are still fighting strong, So nothing too bright or clean. Oh, I should also mention that blogger just went through an update and changed the way you make the images might be a little different from before. Please compare to previous posts and see if there is a major difference.

So other than helping my wife, I've been getting ready for a college reunion trip. Can't wait. A whole week of gaming with friends of over twenty years. Nerdvana. 

Hope everyone out there stays safe, please wear a mask in public, and wash your hands frequently. Until next time...


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