Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Wait, I never posted up finished pics....

 Ugh. So like the worst thing in the world is looking through your old posts and noticing the dates on them. Apparently nearly two years ago, I started showing off some progress I was doing on a knight helverin....and I got all the way up to building and priming the guy. Well damn, I actually finished it...like almost two years ago...but apparently forgot about the blog and never posted up the finished pictures.

So without further ado....

Granted, the base is not finished on the guy...probably still not finished if I know me...but...its almost ready to be finished....seriously...

I did have one snaffu...the magnet inside the shell came off and is now rattling around in there...so sometimes I can get the gun to stick in place. :)

Clearly, shots with the blue knight that I didn't paint. I really like the yellow color. I think it pops well and stands out.

So there you have it...I actually did mostly finish a knight. Heh..okay, just noticed that the last three images were all pre-shading and base pumice...but still...

Until next time...

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