Monday, March 11, 2019

Hey look! its the Dungeons and Dragons ride....

Hello Sports fans...

Thought I should toss up another update in the old blog. Not much has been going on in my modeling world. I cleaned up my office and still have a little bit of restructuring to do. It really needed it. Sadly though, I still can't find my glasses. Its just unbelievable. I remember the last time I had them on...somewhat, and yet they are just gone...poof! So frustrating. Thankfully I do still own an older pair that will let me paint and stuff...but I will need to replace them. Hate that. Getting old.

I will be getting back to work on the Italians shortly. Just need to figure out when. It will happen before the retreat though. Gotta show them off. Weather is turning warmer finally so will be able to take them outside to get with the dull coat soon.

What I have been doing though, is playing my favorite game of all time, Dungeons and Dragons. Seriously, there really is nothing else like it. Best yet, I'm playing with my old college friends. I'm pretty sure I've discussed this before about using and all that.

My game just wrapped up our March session. Two decent encounter and I finally dropped a couple of players. No deaths, which is good in my opinion, but did put some fear into the group which was needed. Who knew bugbears were so nasty? Not only that, but I've actually got a bit of direction for them as well and the beginnings of an overall plot arc. Still working out the kinks and all, but its a good start. Also, the roleplaying is getting better too as everyone is getting used to the medium. I need to spend some more time reading the rules though just so that I'm more familiar with them. There are still instances that pop up that I scratch my head about. I just want to get better at being a DM. I've also been watching Critical Role, a video cast of a group of actors that play D&D. They've been in the news lately too because of a very successful kickstarter they created.

I much prefer being a player than a DM. However, I do also recognize how enjoyable it is to be part of a long campaign. Switching DMs or campaigns too often is not good. I think everyone likes to get into their character and really tell that long story. So as much as I'd prefer someone else run a game, I'll be keeping mine going so that my friends enjoy it. Thankfully I do have a game to be a player in. It is also just once a month. I wish it could be more, but life seems to have a heavy tax at the moment.
All in all though, having a good time with my hobbies. They keep me balanced.

Well, that's all for now.

p.s. Saw Captain Marvel, they had a lovely tribute to Stan Lee at the very beginning, made me tear up. Miss you Stan!

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