Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Modeling Retreat

So this past weekend I hosted my first Model and Painting retreat at the Menucha Retreat and Conference Center. <insert loud bwa bwa bwa sounds here>

Got to spend all day working on my models once again, and this time, surrounded by other modelers. This was a fairly small gathering, despite my advertising across various NW facebook groups. You can lead a horse to water and all that.

All in all though, it was a great day. It was beautiful weather in Corbett, Oregon. I love Menucha, and it was a perfect day to be there. We were in the building lovingly referred to as "The Barn". It had a large open area with a full kitchen (the only building at Menucha with its own kitchen), and can sleep 30 in various bunk rooms. It met our needs perfectly.

I worked on my Italian army again. I had some detail paint to put on the infantry before dipping them. I was able to complete the whole army by the end of the day. I even had dipped a few ahead of time and did the final anti-shine mat spray on them there. I unfortunately haven't taken any pics of the final army just yet. Those will be coming soon as soon as a spray the rest of them.

We started at 9am, took a break for a delicious lunch in Wright Hall (pulled pork sandwiches, coleslaw, and salad) and then continued on until 5pm. It was nice to be able to work on my models and converse with fellow hobbyists all day long. We also all got to see what we were working on and just talk shop. It was very enjoyable.

We are hoping to have another possibly in November, and perhaps even extend the time for a Friday evening through Saturday evening time frame. Due to the fact that the Barn has its own kitchen, we might have the option to opt out of the meals, which would reduce the cost for attending. Although honestly, the meals at Menucha are top notch and well worth the cost. However, having the option may entice more people to come. Even with the Scrap and Sew retreat which is over an entire weekend, some people will just come for a single day. So it is very nice to have the different levels of participation open for attendees.

I had a great time and got one step closer to finishing my Italians. It also just got me excited about my models again and working on them. There is a reason I own so freaking many...it is because I do have fun painting them. I am really happy with how this army is turning out and trying to decide on what to work on next. Bolt Action really has its hook in me now. I think I will most likely start on my American Paratroopers. I got some in the BA starter, and then picked up some metals as well. Either that or go back to my Brits so that I have a mid/late war army to use.

Robert (seen above) was working on his Vanguard models from Mantic and is trying to lure us that way. Tim (also above) was working on his Finns for BA, but expressed an interest in trying out SAGA. Freaking gamer ADD...its everywhere. Can't blame them really. Aaron (also above) was showing off his 3D printed models and doing a bit of priming with his airbrush. Our last attendee was Shaun (not seen above) and he was the only non-gamer there. He brought a Humvee model to work on. We'll see if we can pull him into trying out bolt action. :)

Well, that's it for this update. I'll post pics of the finished Italians soon. They just need to be based and sealed, and then I need to put markings on the vehicles. A good day and that could all be done. Till next time.

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