Monday, April 27, 2015

The distractions continue

First off, I'm still here. I'm still a gamer, and at some point, I will get back to painting my Planetfall models. The poor little guys keep looking up at me from my desk going "paint me....paint me...."

But I've been distracted lately. First and foremost, I started a new hobby these last few weeks...historical gun collecting. Let me tell you, there is a lot to learn. So for the past few weeks, I've been scouring the web for info so that I can make the best purchases possible. It has been really interesting. I've learned all about corrosive ammo for instance, and what a counter-bored barrel means. It has all been very fascinating. And then the best part is, I'll eventually get to shoot these guns! Just to be clear, I'm all about killing paper targets...but that is about it.

So, this past week has all been about getting my first rifle. As I said, tons of research online, looking for the best deals, and finally, making the purchase. I can now say that I'm a proud owner of a Russian 1891 Mosin Nagant rifle. It was made in 1922 and was at one point, captured by the Finnish army and stamped for their use.

I used to be a big flames of war player. I still own many armies for that game and it is probably my all time favorite. The historical aspect of it was just so interesting. I also got into Bolt Action a little too. So to now own a piece of that is quite something.

However, for the time being, I'm done. I live on a gamer budget. Buying a rifle pretty much wiped me out. And I won't be able to go shooting for a couple of that means I can get back to my models. So with that said, I will make a goal of finishing the two Planetfall models that are currently on my desk by Friday. I think that is reasonable and attainable. Lets see how much of a slacker I turn out to be.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Little break from Planetfall

So this week I did try to get back to painting. I started on my second medium tank for the Aquans, plus I threw down some more paint at the Directorate buggy. Progress is slow, but I hope to finish up the buggy this week and post up pics. It is turning out okay. What a big difference a nice wash will do.

Most of my time was gearing up for some of Mantic's Kings of War. I own lots of GW armies. And Warhammer Fantasy Battle was my favorite game of them all. But lately, GW has decided to bend the players over and it has gotten so bad that I've walked away from the game.

Enter Kings of War. Lets me still use my awesome models and I don't have to try to figure out this month's meta. Version 2 is currently in Beta, so we decided to try out the new rules and army lists.

We were hoping to draw in some more players from our game club, so I came prepared for Sunday's game night with three armies. My buddy Robert though was the only one to show, and he brought his Kingdom of Men army (empire).

With version one, I've played undead mostly and gave the elves a try. I packed up both of those and then brought an orc army (using my beastmen figs). Just recently, Mantic announced that they are going to release a book with a bunch of army lists to cover armies that are not in their lore, but are made by other companies. Basically, they are tossing a big :P at GW who is rumored to be letting several armies go from the Fantasy line.

As an owner of a beastmen army, one of the only armies not to get an 8th edition book, I am quite pleased with this. I really have no interest in the mess that will be 9th edition from Games Workshop, and will be quite happy to use my models playing Kings of War.

We played 1000pt games and each one took about 90 minutes to complete. Not too bad. Robert's army had 9 units, and almost 100 models. My orcs took the field first at just over 50 models (I took a giant and a big unit of trolls) and were promptly tabled. They didn't perform poor by any means, its just that KoW orcs are a little tactically limited in my opinion. They have almost no shooting or magic to help them. Kind of a big hole in my opinion.

In the second game, I brought out the undead (I don't think Robert wanted to face my elven shooting). This match ended in a tie, but probably should have gone to the undead. The nerve tests (leadership) went in favor of the KoM most of the game. In fact, the whole game changed when I failed to route one of his units. I had done enough damage where any roll would route them...but I rolled snake eyes which let them stay regardless. That left my poor undead open to a flank charge which spelled their doom.

Overall though, very fun, very quick, and it still felt like playing a war game. In fact, it felt more like playing warhammer back when I played 5th edition. Kings of War is like WFB without the crazy. And for this old man, that is just fine.

If you haven't given KoW a try, there is no reason not to. The current V1 rules are up for download, and even the beta rules can be found if you look at the blog posts. Gotta love a company that gives out free rules and army lists. :) Suck it GW.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Creative slump

I'm pretty happy with how the aquans are turning out. I've got five tanks done so far and I think they look pretty damn cool. Plus, they have been fairly easy to paint so far, so that always help. The larger models are more difficult though due to the larger flat areas where drybrushing doesn't work so well.

I also tried to start on a directorate model. Here, I'm having a much harder time. I just don't know where to go with it. I have a buggy that I've primed red. I've picked out some parts for silver paint (the weapon systems and hub caps) and I've blackened the tires. I've also put on the first coat on the base (needs another). But I'm a little stumped on how to make it better.

I think my next steps will be as follows:
1) 2nd coat on the base.
2) strong tone ink the whole model and base.
3) careful drybrush of red color over model to rehighlight areas
4) careful drybrush the tires with desert color to give dusty look.
5) finish base
6) add some detailing

I've got to do something with it. Once I'm done though, it will be back to the aquans to finish up the mediums...and then start on the heavy.