Monday, August 12, 2019

Greater Possessed update

So this is going to be a short update. I've been working on my chaos process. Last time, I had put down some more contrast paint on the GP model. However, what I had not done was put the Apothecary white on yet. I decided to make that one of the last updates I did so that any error I made during the other colors would be easier to correct. Basically, that theory was correct. I had made a couple of small errors applying the color contrast paints, and I was able to correct them by putting white paint over the mistake and then when I applied the apothecary white contrast, you couldn't even tell any longer.

The last step I have done after applying the Apoth white, was to drybrush matt white back over the armor areas. This was needed to brighten up the white after the contrast white greyed it down. Here's a look and I think the best representation was the backpack.

I suppose I really should have taken a few photos of the model after the apothecary white contrast paint. It really does grey down the white. I want the white to pop more, hence the drybrush. Now I also know that drybrush is for raised areas, and in most cases on this model, the white areas are going to be in the recesses actually. That being said, I knew that some of the areas I wanted to get whiter were going to get hit, and they did. Overall, I got what I wanted quickly. I could go back with a thin white to try to blend the areas specifically, but this model is so detailed, the drybrush worked okay.

Next step is to add the gold trim and then go back to add any other further detail paint. Once the gold is on, I'll carefully apply Nuln Oil over it to shade it. Then I will add the basing material. I actually really liked the simple basing I did on the first guy and have decided to continue that with the whole army.

Feel free to leave comments if you want. Until next time...

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