Monday, August 5, 2019

Slowly I turned, step by step...

Hello True Believers,

Okay, so its more like "Slowly I painted..." but then no one would get the reference. Probably most won't anyways..but that's okay. Today we are progressing with the Chaos Space Marines. I nearly got sidetracked by the new Space Marine announcements today and was daydreaming about starting a Crimson Fist Primaris army. Wouldn't that be the shit? But no...I hung in there and stayed true to my path.
(Ed. Because who wouldn't want at least one Crimson Fist army right? For us old guys, that is the first chapter we ever saw and most likely, played.)

So I've got a few more models primed...which reminds me, I need to buy more white primer. The last few did not go as great as the spray kept thinning out on me. Of what I own, it looks like I only have three models left to go. So not bad.

For painting though, I've barely touched a thing..but I did pick up the Skeleton Horde contrast color. I knew I was going to have some bone coming up and just thought it would go best if I tried the contrast on it. Can't say I'm disappointed. Holy crap...that might be the fastest way ever to paint undead. Here's a pic:

Check that out. Fantastic bone color and depth. Super cool. So, as you can see the above model is one of the new Greater Possessed models. I've just barely started him. So at this stage, he's primed (twice) and now I'm coloring his mutations with the shyish purple, and the bone with the skeleton horde. I decided it would be best for me to do all of the color parts first. This way if I make a mistake, I can cover with white before I do the apothecary contrast. We'll see how it goes.

So far, I'm pretty happy. The shyish purple is kind of thick, so I suggest using a bit of water on the brush at first to help thin it out. Otherwise, you'll end up trying to thin on the model, and that doesn't seem to work well, you end up with splotches that are hard to cover. I've heard there are a few contrast paints that are like that, so always test first, then figure out if you need to thin it down.

Here's some more photos:

 I might go back on the spines on his right claw with white so I can redo those in the bone. That will provide a nice color contrast on the limb I think. I still need to hit the chains with a dark color (still don't own the templar black yet) and then do the white apothecary, then white highlight, then gold and then nuln oil. So lots of steps left to go, we'll see how it pans out.

Well, that's it for now. Feel free to leave comments or suggestions. Until next time...

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